Crane Operations During Summer: Safety Measures to Keep in Mind

26 March 2020

Environmental conditions can affect the operations of a crane. Working on a cold environment can make the components of this equipment freeze at any given moment, which can cause some issues in moving objects at high levels. The same problem can also occur in working at high temperatures, as heat and humidity can cause mishaps and endanger the lives of the crane operator and other staff on the site.

Therefore, a crane operator must know how to work with the crane at any temperature conditions to prevent accidents from happening on the project site. Knowing how to work at high temperatures can also ensure a safe whole crane operation. To help you out, here are some safety measures that you must keep in mind if you will be using and operating cranes.

Park your Cranes Properly

Some cranes are parked first at a certain area for a few days before they are used for lifting and moving activities. If you will be parking your cranes, you must make sure that they are not seating directly under the sun. The powerful rays from the sun can increase the total temperature of your lifting equipment and its components, causing them to get damaged. It is highly suggested to park your crane under shade or a few sheets of tarpaulin. These sheets are fire-resistant and waterproof, making them useful for protecting your lifting equipment from intense heat.

Check the Cranes’ Materials

Not all cranes are made equal. Some cranes are made from heat-resistant materials, while other cranes are made from materials that cannot endure too much heat. Before operating your hired crane equipment, you must make sure that it is made up of heat-resistant materials. If not, the equipment must have appropriate cooling options that are designed to work in high environmental temperatures. With these cooling options, your crane can still work continuously under extreme heat without delaying or stopping lifting operations.

Assess the Whole Crane

As you check the material composition of your crane, you must also assess the condition of your crane’s components. Check for any signs of wear and tear on your crane’s rope, wheels, axis, gears, and other components that are involved in lifting and moving operations. If ever there are damages, they must be resolved immediately to prevent any accidents from happening in the future. Maintenance service must be scheduled to repair or replace broken parts and restore your crane on its full condition. After the maintenance is done, you must have your lifting equipment inspected one more time to make sure that it will work flawlessly under any temperature and weather condition.

Crane operations will be a lot smoother and safer when you study, inspect, and maintain your lifting equipment. Moreover, safety measures for your cranes are important to prevent any delay in operations and accidents on site. If you need to hire some cranes for your construction project, then give us a call now at Sharp Welding and Crane Hire. We can offer clients a complete package of erection and crane hire alongside fully qualified crane drivers.

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Sharp Welding and Crane Hire

Phone: (03) 5275 3178
Fax: (03) 5274 2649
Address: 6 Sandra Ave, Norlane VIC 3214 | PO Box 119, Corio VIC 3214