The Significance of Crane Borers in Geological Sampling

01 May 2019

First of all, geological sampling is a commonplace procedure. Basically, by using a crane borer, this field of study uses a crane’s helical auger to analyze targeted land swatches. The various sedimentary layers of soil, previously concealed under a carpet of grass or dirt, are pulled to the surface. Boxed and labelled, the samples are dispatched to a geotechnical lab, where they’re then analyzed.

Non-Core Drilling Procedures

Pioneering scientists have been using hollowed out drills for decades. These deep descending tools capture hard-packed ice core samples with drill-powered ease. Tougher yet, oil drills do the same job on kilometre-deep shale deposits. In keeping with this methodology, crane borers use their augering tools to pull up non-core soil samples. This open sampling method, while commonly utilized as a post hole digging or tree planting aid, serves a second purpose. Indeed, instead of focusing on a ground depression’s width and height, it’s the wall characteristics, the properties of the sedimentary layers, which are of interest to a project manager.

The Importance of Geological Sampling

Just to emphasise that key directive, it’s the properties of the borehole, not the space-occupying width and depth of the hole that this procedure is geared towards. As the various layers of soil and subsurface earth are penetrated, they’re depth-labelled so that an accurate picture of the subterranean substrate can be compiled. The geological sampling methods continue in this manner, logically and systematically, until the required depth is reached. Poring over those samples, a receiving laboratory learns everything there is to know about that parcel of land. They measure clay and sod density, then add the loamy constituents of the soil to the mix to see how well stormwater discharges pass through the ground.

Compiling the Geotechnical Reports

In this context, crane boring services take on the role of a non-core drilling and sampling company. The samples probably don’t look like much, not as they’re being ferried to the surface by an auger’s helical blades, but looks can be deceiving. When those labelled soil swatches are analyzed by a geotechnical certified laboratory, all sorts of critically important site information comes to light. The clay and loam content divulges water saturation data, so floodwater plains and water table info can be accurately predicted. Likewise, ground acidity and alkalinity conditions are interpretable. Using that info, plus any ground toxicity data, a landowner finds out whether a certain plant type or tree variety will grow successfully.

Landowners want access to this data. Technical services agencies also need to see the geological sampling results before a new project gets the go-ahead. Fundamentally important as a soil-analyzing service, geological sampling procedures regard crane borers as a vital part of this field of study.

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